速報APP / 教育 / Animal Homes

Animal Homes


檔案大小:21.3 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Animal Homes(圖1)-速報App

Animal Homes is a free educational app that help baby learn animals home. Give your baby a wonderful animal world where he/she can learn animals name and their homes with just a swipe. Kids always love animals and there is no better way than learning through play. Find out a variety of wild animals home, farm animals home and pet animals home in this animals world app.

The baby learn animals home app has beautiful images with superb audio, making it attractive for kids who want to learn animals and their shelters. Kids always enjoy learning with innovative and interactive methods rather than the traditional and boring ways. MBD Alchmie’s learning apps make baby teaching and baby learning activities a joyful and entertaining task, which makes them learn facts about animals, while playing in their free time.

After the kid has finished about learn the animals, be it learn pet animals, learn farm animals, learn wild animals or baby animals names, he/she can take the quiz to check the understanding and knowledge gain while playing.


Let’s Learn - This is the learning mode, where kids will see the animals along with their shelters. For a better understanding, animal and shelter names are provided at the bottom of the screen.

Animal Homes(圖2)-速報App

Quiz Time - Check the knowledge with the help of the quiz, where kids have to drag and drop the animal to its respective shelter, out of the two options available.


- User-friendly

- Quiz for fun learning

- Designed for kids with simple navigation

Animal Homes(圖3)-速報App

- Colorful and attractive illustrations for kids to enjoy while learning

- All the animals are presented beautifully along with their shelters


- Animals teach

- Animals activities

Animal Homes(圖4)-速報App

- Play animals

- Baby animal words

- Animals videos

Animal Homes(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad